The fear of mushrooms is called Mycophobia. The number of confirmed sufferers is relatively small as phobias go but that's no consolation if you happen to be afflicted with this problem. Most people have a healthy respect for the wild mushroom after childhood training to avoid them. Safety is a valid concern. When the fear of mushrooms becomes irrational and impacts a sufferer's life the term Mycophobia applies.
Agoraphobics are often unable to lead a normal life. Other phobias have varying impacts on normal lives. A fear of mushrooms is only a small inconvenience for most mycophobes who have learned to avoid unexpected mushrooms. When the fear of mushrooms causes screams and immobility the life of the mycophobe becomes a daily challenge.
To non-mycophobes simply avoiding mushrooms seem easy. If you have a fear of mushrooms the task is not nearly as easy as it sounds. In day to day life we rarely notice mushrooms. The mycophobe is not so lucky. A fear of mushrooms can be triggered in unexpected places. Walking along a sidewalk near a toadstool can be a challenge.
A trip to the supermarket will certainly put a fear of mushrooms to the test. If your fear is triggered by the very sight of a mushroom you will have to plan your supermarket trip aisle by aisle to avoid the mushrooms in the produce aisles and, depending on your degree of fear, even the canned vegetables.
With the widespread use of mushrooms in cooking, a meal in a nice restaurant presents a chore for the mycophobe. A fear of mushrooms will require an intense questioning of the waiter about what is in each of the menu selections.
Most Mycophobes lead rather normal lives and manage to disguise their reactions when unexpectedly confronted by a mushroom. If your fear of mushrooms has become incapacitating there are several treatment options. An internet search for "Mycophobia treatment" returned over 200 results. - 30450
Agoraphobics are often unable to lead a normal life. Other phobias have varying impacts on normal lives. A fear of mushrooms is only a small inconvenience for most mycophobes who have learned to avoid unexpected mushrooms. When the fear of mushrooms causes screams and immobility the life of the mycophobe becomes a daily challenge.
To non-mycophobes simply avoiding mushrooms seem easy. If you have a fear of mushrooms the task is not nearly as easy as it sounds. In day to day life we rarely notice mushrooms. The mycophobe is not so lucky. A fear of mushrooms can be triggered in unexpected places. Walking along a sidewalk near a toadstool can be a challenge.
A trip to the supermarket will certainly put a fear of mushrooms to the test. If your fear is triggered by the very sight of a mushroom you will have to plan your supermarket trip aisle by aisle to avoid the mushrooms in the produce aisles and, depending on your degree of fear, even the canned vegetables.
With the widespread use of mushrooms in cooking, a meal in a nice restaurant presents a chore for the mycophobe. A fear of mushrooms will require an intense questioning of the waiter about what is in each of the menu selections.
Most Mycophobes lead rather normal lives and manage to disguise their reactions when unexpectedly confronted by a mushroom. If your fear of mushrooms has become incapacitating there are several treatment options. An internet search for "Mycophobia treatment" returned over 200 results. - 30450
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Get more help to overcome your fear of mushrooms with this ten minute phobia cure.