The Finer Points Of Emetophobia (the Fear Of Becoming Ill)

By Trevor Johnson

Should you ever come across a comprehensive listing of all of our various human phobias and fears, you might likely come across emetophobia. This is better known to most as a fear of becoming ill. While this might describe all of us in part, since no one wants to become sick. However, for those who have this phobia, it might be very difficult to function normally.

Having this phobia alone causes the sufferer to spend much of their time anxious and tense, which can in many cases cause them to feel ill. This only serves to make matters worse. Truth be told, this goes much farther than just not wanting to get sick. It really stems into how the sufferer feels when he/she is sick.

There is likely nothing worse to the sufferer of a condition such as this than vomiting. The anxiety is really allowed to thrive based on the fear of the act of vomiting. This idea keeps them from functioning normally if they believe they will get sick or are sick. Even to the point of being in a vehicle, because their act of vomiting could distract the driver and cause and accident.

Most often this fear is generated from a very traumatic event in someone's life that focused on them being sick. An origin could even be someone else having been sick that the sufferer remembers as a terrifying experience.

You will likely need to see a psychiatrist if you were trying to overcome the phobia. The most common method of treatment results in the sufferer confronting their fears directly. This will work for many who deal with the condition, while others might have further complications fueling their condition.

I hope that you were able to learn a little more about emetophobia through this article. A fear of becoming ill is something that perhaps not a lot of folks have to deal with, but if you know someone who does, hopefully you understand the condition a little better. - 30450

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Don't Let A Fear Of Taking Tests Hold You Back

By Trevor Johnson

Everyone experiences a fear of taking tests sometime in their life. If you have test anxiety, you are one of the millions. A certain degree of fear is often associated with test taking. However, there are some steps you can take to help decrease it. The following paragraphs will discuss some of these tips and techniques.

Shortness of breath is one of the side effects from test anxiety. When we do not breath properly, it causes a lack of oxygen flow to our brains. When there is not enough oxygen in the brain, our stress levels rise. By learning some breathing exercises, and doing them before and during tests, you can help beat the fear of taking tests.

Regular exercise is a good way to relieve stress, even if its low impact exercise such as water aerobics or yoga. Regular exercise aids in muscle relaxation, thus, reduces anxiety. Participating in regular physical activity can greatly decrease your stress levels and help you overcome your fear of taking tests.

If you are like many other people, you may lead a busy life causing you to eat your meals on the run. If this is the case, you probably are not getting the proper nutrition your body needs. Poor eating habits can greatly add to the chances you will experience fear of taking tests. You should try to eat healthy in order to help eliminate stress and fear over exams and tests.

Lastly, in order to be at your best during a test or exam, you need to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. If you get the proper amount of sleep your mind will be rested for the test taking process. Your test anxiety will be reduced and so will your fear of taking tests.

Some people experience extreme anxiety when it comes down to taking tests. In certain cases, test anxiety cannot be overcome by using these techniques. Perhaps you are one of the people who suffers with an extreme test taking anxiety. If so, you may want to consult with your doctor about the best methods to help you overcome your fears. - 30450

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What Causes The Fear Of Strangers?

By Trevor Johnson

The official and medical name for people with a fear of strangers is Xenophobia. This not only covers people who have a fear of strangers, but also for people afraid of foreigners and other people different to themselves. Xeno means a guest or stranger and phobia means to have a fear.

A fear of people different to yourself does not only mean people that may be from a different culture, but they can be people who look very different to yourself, have a much higher level of confidence or somebody with entirely different views to what you believe in. People who speak in a different language or have strange habits are also feared by such people.

Xenophobia is something not decided on, but more like a natural instinct to the person holding the fear. People feeling these emotions strongly feel genuinely that other people who are different to themselves in any shape or form could be something to be wary of, so they usually either confront or back well away from the potential danger.

There are many Xenophobics who suffer in such an extreme way that it causes them to become nasty and violent towards others. They can last out and say rude and racist remarks. The majority of sufferers, however will stay calm and deal with it away from others in a safe place.

Throughout history and even today, tribes across the world follow some kind of Xenophobia and will fight any tribes different to themselves. This just shows how many different levels it comes it and how widespread it can be.

Hitler is the most famous person to have fought and killed over this fear. It is thought that he genuinely was scared of people different to himself and in retaliation had them all killed as history bears witness. This is probably one of the very most extreme cases of such issues. - 30450

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"Doctors, Psychiatrists and Therapists Have All Failed To Cure Social Anxiety, Find Out Why?"

By Jan West

If you suffer from social anxiety disorder (panic attacks) then no doubt you have searched high and low for a fix. Yes, you've read the Internet sales pitches of the many so-called fast-fix remedies available ... all pitched at you in a slick manner, all meant to get you to buy their product. What do they offer? Well there are many downloads if you have a few days to sit by your computer spending your time and money on useless file after file of unnecessary clutter.

All of these packages are in essence designed to tempt you to give them a try. They pitch to you that they too suffered from the same disorder and miraculously discovered through trial and error the very fix you desire. And from thereon in you're hooked! In all fairness, most of the stuff you are downloading is little more than wasteful bulk, giving you the impression you have something for your money!

In truth these products are of little worth and not even worth using to prop open a door. To add to your already bulging downloads, you can opt in for the special once in a lifetime offer of purchasing a special set of... OK, you get the message.

Top rated self-help author Stephen Richards says, "You cannot train anyone to overcome social anxiety attacks! Hypnosis is a very long drawn out affair, although yes it works but only if you have at least 10 sessions. This all adds to the strain on your already diminishing nest egg of cash. "

Over the years the social phobia therapy business has pulled in big bucks by taking advantage of the instability of those seeking treatment. To start undoing the onset of where these panic attacks started from first requires a modicum of acknowledgment that you have a problem and then being prepared to tackle it head on, and in a direct way.

Look at it this way, if you are immersed over prolonged periods in the very act of ridding yourself of social anxiety disorder then that in itself will protract the very thing you are trying to resolve. The very same panic attack you want to avoid will manifest itself at the least expected time. This could be in the form of chest tightness, increased heart rate, dizziness, uncontrolled sweating, shortness of breath, headaches, obsessive thoughts and more.

You see the smiling faces of past anxiety sufferers, saying they did everything and anything before trying the product on offer and voila! It worked, amazingly! No doubt these people are all good honest folk, and all the testimonies are no doubt all real, too. It all lends itself to the support of the product and for garnering your belief that it works. Of course, it all leads to the bottom of the web page, building up to the big sell. So it is simple to be trapped in the belief that what is on offer is the real deal.

Many of these products use subliminal messaging, where the words are embedded in the music or background sounds, these are wasteful of your time. Subliminal messages should not scare you. Scientific studies have proven that if the subconscious mind is intentionally programmed with positive thoughts that soon the conscious mind will begin to act with the information and positive results will be obtained. But why make it so difficult to take in?

What if there was something that actually worked better than subliminal messaging? What if it were self-hypnosis? Well that may work to bolster up your confidence levels when you are alone, but just try that in a social anxiety setting! See what happens, or rather what does not happen.

The real groundbreaking technology that has made a breakthrough in the cure of social anxiety disorder is very, very simple! In the most advanced cure for social anxiety phobia, International Best-selling Self-help Author Stephen Richards has done away with the need for self-hypnosis or the use of subliminal messaging.

One of the main gripes many people have had with using social anxiety products is the use of hypnosis, they do not feel that they have benefited. The answer to this problem is that it takes many, many hours of hypnosis to fix such deep-seated problems. It is not like fixing one part of the mind ... there are many zones to repair and during the course of hypnosis all these zones are tackled ... one session at a time! A long and drawn out process! This is where the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" differs, it actually zones in on the exact area needing help. With advanced technology it tackles the area most in need, and all in an above board way. You get to hear everything what is being said.

Stephen Richards has developed a method to help overcome social anxiety disorder that is so simple. Just one 20 minute session can do what others claim to do in tens of hours. One other criterion he stipulated was that it had to be inexpensive so that anyone could afford it. After working on this project and fine tuning it, Stephen Richards was happy to proceed to the stage of where it became available to the public for less than the cost of a film DVD.

The method developed by Stephen Richards for overcoming social anxiety disorder is one of simplicity, far less complicated or time consuming than anything you will find on the market today. Where other modicums of therapy take weeks and weeks to achieve results, this can be achieved in just one 20 minute session of the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD"! Surely these claims are somewhat exaggerated? Well, if you are aware of how Stephen Richards works then you will know that unless he is 100% happy with anything then he will not make it available to the public, simple as that. He has even pulled products from being sold because he felt they were either not up to standard or too advanced. And now knowing you have someone on your side it should make you more confident to be able to tackle panic attacks head on and in a no-holds barred way. After infinite development, the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" is the answer to many social phobics' prayers.

In disappointment, Stephen Richards says, "When I saw what some so-called therapists were charging for what was little more than a collection of wasteful items I was quite determined to provide a better level of help and at a fair price. You might say my therapist's mind went into action. If anything is to be accepted as genuine it must be clear as crystal, be affordable by all and must be able to do what it says on the box. - 30450

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When Is The Fear Of Cats Sensible?

By Trevor Johnson

For many people cats are enjoyable and cute. They get pleasure and comfort from having a fluffy kitty. Cats can even sometimes help them when they are feeling lonely or down. Some people may like cats because of their independent nature to take care of themselves. On the other hand, are the people who have a fear of cats. These people do not get any comfort from cats and are sometimes irrationally frightened of their very existence. Listed below are some of the reasons people hold for fearing cats.

1. The first reason people may have this fear is superstition. People, who are superstitious, have irrational beliefs. They may believe something as silly as if a black cat crosses their path, they will have seven years of bad luck. Since a black cat is no different than any other cat, except for the color of its fur, this is very unfounded behavior.

2. The next reason for people having this fear is that they are in unfamiliar territory. If something is unknown to you, you will most likely have some fear of it. You may feel anxious and scared when you first come in contact with it. So, if you were never around cats growing up, you would not be familiar with their ways. These people should try to familiarize themselves with cats to help them overcome their uncertainties.

3. Some of these people could have a cat phobia. A cat phobia is referred to as ailurophobia. If you have this phobia, you probably do not know why you fear cats. To you cats are as creepy as a rat or spider is for other people. This fear may have a bad influence on your everyday life, to the point, that you will not go see friends who own these feline beasts. You should seek help through counseling and therapies.

4. Another reason that people may dislike cats is that they do not like animals. Sometimes these people could be allergic to animal fur or just not like to be around them. Some of these people may like birds or rabbits but hate cats.

No matter why people have this fear of cats, there are things they can do to change their feelings. It might be as simple as slowly familiarizing themselves with cats or as complicated as seeking therapies to help with these irrational fears. - 30450

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Discover If You Suffer From A Fear Of Extreme Cold

By Trevor Johnson

The majority of people in the world are not happy when they have to face extremely cold weather but there are some people who thoroughly fear facing the extreme cold. This fear is referred to as cryophobia and it is basically an irrational fear of extreme cold, frosty or icy conditions.

No one is certain as to how many people actually experience cryophobia since it is not necessary for everyone to live in places where it becomes ridiculously cold. In order to comprehend the fear further, you must know the symptoms that occur when the person is presented with the fear, how the diagnosis is determined and the treatments that are available.

It is very hard to pinpoint how an individual comes to fear very cold weather but some psychiatrist believe that not being able to control how cold the weather will get is why some people fear it. Some of the symptoms include a sense of panic, terror, rapid heart beat, shortness of breathing, shaking, anxiety and avoiding the extreme cold at all costs. It is easy to give the wrong diagnosis of the fear since it shares a lot of symptoms with other phobias.

Being a cryophobe takes a lot more stress and fear than just not liking the extreme cold. A person has to actually be terrified of encountering the cold and will go to extreme lengths to avoid it at all costs.

A fear of extreme cold can not be correctly diagnosed until the person is faced with what they fear and it is obvious that are truly terrified. One way to determine if a person is cryophobic is to try and get them to step into a large freezer. Just the thought of extreme cold inside of that freezer will induce a fear so great that the person will start to experience the symptoms mentioned above.

There are many treatments for phobias but so far only two of them have been proven effective. The use of introducing the fear in small increments to the patient has helped but it can take a long time to conclude the treatment. Since the patient is allowed to work at their comfort level the treatment can take months or years to complete. The most successful treatment for a phobia is Hypnotherapy. This treatment requires the patient to be unconscious while the hypnotherapist performs exercises that utilizes the subconscious of the patient to conquer their fear. - 30450

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"Stephen Richards Explains Why The Social Anxiety Industry Drag Out Your Treatment"

By Jan West

How many times have you been lured by the flashy promise of a cure from panic attacks (social anxiety disorder)? It seems almost too good to be true, but what are the chances of curing you from what these nerve racking situations bring on you: from panic attacks to being fearful of strangers to simply being tongue tied at or feared of social events?

They start off by luring you in with some kitschy sales talk, laying it on thick, then after the premise of a cure they move on to the price. Starting at an overstated price, and then slowly coming down in price, even offering you useless add-ons for free, which you will never ever use! Well, I suppose they have to make you feel comfortable and get those endorphins zapping about inside of your head. That is when you are hooked on what is a supposed cure for panic attacks and they have your money for something that is completely ineffective.

In truth these products are of little worth and not even worth using to prop open a door. To add to your already bulging downloads, you can opt in for the special once in a lifetime offer of purchasing a special set of... OK, you get the message.

When you read what leading global self-improvement and mind power author Stephen Richards says about certain methods of treatment you may well reach the conclusion that most of these treatments are just a farce. Stephen Richards says, "If you are looking for a total and permanent fix for social anxiety disorder and are not receiving any treatment at present, you can forget about cognitive hypnotherapy or even electro stimulation offered by so-called therapists. They are just opportunists posing as therapists. I am not saying certain therapies do not work, but you would certainly need prolonged treatment and a huge wallet to fully undergo the desired changes."

The self-help industry, especially in the curative therapies, has made a good living off exploiting the weaknesses of those in need. The first step to overcoming social phobia is an acceptance that you have now started work on reversing it.

Look at it this way, if you are immersed over prolonged periods in the very act of ridding yourself of social anxiety disorder then that in itself will protract the very thing you are trying to resolve. The very same panic attack you want to avoid will manifest itself at the least expected time. This could be in the form of chest tightness, increased heart rate, dizziness, uncontrolled sweating, shortness of breath, headaches, obsessive thoughts and more.

You see the smiling faces of past anxiety sufferers, saying they did everything and anything before trying the product on offer and voila! It worked, amazingly! No doubt these people are all good honest folk, and all the testimonies are no doubt all real, too. It all lends itself to the support of the product and for garnering your belief that it works. Of course, it all leads to the bottom of the web page, building up to the big sell. So it is simple to be trapped in the belief that what is on offer is the real deal.

In the hope of securing a cure, you might end up just purchasing any old product and hope for the best that it is THE product that will suit your requirements. The amount of products using subliminal messaging, whereby the "hidden" narration rooted within an audio CD goes below the threshold of the conscious mind is on the increase. These 'subliminal' audios work on the basis that if the subconscious mind is bombarded with positive subliminal thoughts then encouraging results will soon be obtained. Well that's great for selling hotdogs and soft drinks in the cinema/theatre (actually subliminals used in cinema advertising has now been outlawed), but what use is it for those seeking long term results? Well, subliminal messaging has seen some results, but it all depends on how well you hear them and if you hear the whole subliminal message, not just part of it! This is the danger with subliminal messaging.

What if there was something that actually worked better than subliminal messaging? What if it were self-hypnosis? Well that may work to bolster up your confidence levels when you are alone, but just try that in a social anxiety setting! See what happens, or rather what does not happen.

In a pioneering method developed by self-help guru Stephen Richards, audio technology is used on one of two tracks on an audio CD. There is no hypnosis or subliminal messaging. Basically, after listening for 20 minutes to the second track you get the most advanced cure for social anxiety phobia to date. That is how simple it is, and it does not give a veneer to the problem, it works deep within your subconscious mind in a very pleasing and harmless way.

One of the main gripes many people have had with using social anxiety products is the use of hypnosis, they do not feel that they have benefited. The answer to this problem is that it takes many, many hours of hypnosis to fix such deep-seated problems. It is not like fixing one part of the mind ... there are many zones to repair and during the course of hypnosis all these zones are tackled ... one session at a time! A long and drawn out process! This is where the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" differs, it actually zones in on the exact area needing help. With advanced technology it tackles the area most in need, and all in an above board way. You get to hear everything what is being said.

Stephen Richards has developed a method to help overcome social anxiety disorder that is so simple. Just one 20 minute session can do what others claim to do in tens of hours. One other criterion he stipulated was that it had to be inexpensive so that anyone could afford it. After working on this project and fine tuning it, Stephen Richards was happy to proceed to the stage of where it became available to the public for less than the cost of a film DVD.

The method developed by Stephen Richards for overcoming social anxiety disorder is one of simplicity, far less complicated or time consuming than anything you will find on the market today. Where other modicums of therapy take weeks and weeks to achieve results, this can be achieved in just one 20 minute session of the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD"! Surely these claims are somewhat exaggerated? Well, if you are aware of how Stephen Richards works then you will know that unless he is 100% happy with anything then he will not make it available to the public, simple as that. He has even pulled products from being sold because he felt they were either not up to standard or too advanced. And now knowing you have someone on your side it should make you more confident to be able to tackle panic attacks head on and in a no-holds barred way. After infinite development, the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" is the answer to many social phobics' prayers.

"The way that some social anxiety treatments are dispensed by ruthless sellers is exploitation of those desperate for help. It is chaotic that anyone without a background in therapy can just put these things together, and they are then taken on trust that the product is 'good to go'. It is obvious to me that there is a clear objective to why they do this. It is not with the sufferer of social anxiety in mind, that is for sure. I believe in a low-cost, but professional, fix," says Stephen Richards. - 30450

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Getting Over Your Fear Of Clouds

By Trevor Johnson

The fear of clouds is also known as Nephophobia. There can be many reasons why people are actually suffer from any kind of fear but it is usually down to something that is from the persons past, even if it appears that you have "got over" the problem or cause. The anxiety that people suffer from can mean that people avoid certain situations and this can affect their quality of life.

The good news is that this is something that people are able to get over if they have access to the right help. There are some people who suffer so badly that they cannot even go outdoors, virtually prisoners in their own homes, but even they can get help so that they can take one step at a time.

You need to be able to keep your cool in situations that cause you to be frightened and the only way you are able to do this is by changing your thoughts and feelings. If you have suffered for a long time this could be something that you feel unable to do on your own.

The first thing the person will need to do is to find a way to change their thoughts from negative ones to positive. This will change the way they see clouds. The anger and frustration they may feel before they seek treatment may actually be making the problem worse and can mean that the person ends up depressed and going around in a vicious circle.

You have to deal with the problem as soon as possible, but even those who have had the fear for many years are able to overcome it with the right advice and help, Sufferers need to think about their problem and of how they can turn a negative into a positive.

One of the main problems is that people think that they are alone, especially when it is not something such as a fear of spiders or snakes that is the problem. Something like fear of certain animals seems to be acceptable; however when people suffer from something that is not so common it can mean they try to hide away. Of course the person no longer wishes to feel the way they do which is why they will need to take steps to get back to the way they once were. - 30450

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Some Things That Can Cause A Fear Of Men

By Trevor Johnson

Many women around the world suffer from a fear of men. This can stem from many things; there is no set reason for this occurring. Here we will look at some of the common reasons for this situation happening.

Women that have been beaten by men tend to have a deep set fear of men. This is understandable considering the things that they have endured at the hands of men. It would be extremely difficult to trust any man after enduring a beating of some sort.

Emotional abuse can be considered to be as bad if not worse when it comes to the effects that it has on women. It can take numerous years for women to get over some of the things that they have been told or accused of by the abuser that they had. It is no wonder that there are many of them that live in fear of men.

There are situations where women that are around men that show outbursts that are very loud and angry in nature tend to show the signs of fearing men as well. They may be afraid that the anger that the men feel will get out of control and be turned towards them at some point in time.

Violent crimes like rape are another huge factor that can cause the development of fear of men in women. This is understandable considering the trauma that is associated with the ordeal that they have been through. They often feel that they will never be able to trust a man again, which can also lead to some very serious issues that they have to endure in their lives.

Some women require treatment to overcome the fear of men that they have. This can be in the form of psychiatric care, medication, or a combination of them both. Many times this can be something that takes a very long time in some cases. Other people seem to be able to get through this a lot faster. It all depends on the situation. - 30450

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Symptoms And Treatment For The Fear Of Dirt

By Trevor Johnson

The Fear of Dirt is not a very well known phobia. However there are a lot of people suffering of this. Modern medicine discovered a few very helpful treatments. Even if an adult knows that there is no real danger he can't stop the panic attack. If you are terrified of dirt you should know that there is a way out.

One of the main symptoms is the excessive sweating. You can feel that you are detaching yourself from reality. During the panic attacks all you can feel is the terror. People with fear of dirt can even feel that their life is in danger.

If you or someone you love is suffering of fear of dirt there are some signs you should know. When a panic attack is about to start you can have symptoms like heart palpitations, dry mouth, or the inability to think clear.

One of the best methods you can try for curing the fear of dirt is Hypnotherapy. This is one of the fastest ways to cure this phobia as it works deep down with your unconscious mind. Unfortunately not everyone feels comfortable enough with hypnotherapy. Most of them are scared of losing control. But it's perfectly safe and the hypnotist can't make you do anything you don't want to do.

Energy Psychology is another therapy which can cure your fear of dirt. This special therapy has the same roots as the Acupuncture except there are no needles. The Energy Psychology will cure your phobia after a few months of treatment. This is one of the safest therapy you can try.

You can be a person with a lot of self confidence if you do your best to overcome your phobia. The main thing to do is to admit that you have a problem and to talk about it. Try to open up to your friends and family. Knowing that you are not alone will be a big help. - 30450

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Fear Of Needles - Overcome Your Fear

By Trevor Johnson

Many individuals suffer from a fear of needles and this fear can be very small or completely paralyzing depending on the intensity of that fear. About 10% of the population suffers from some sort of fear of needles. You might simply become uncomfortable around needles or at a worst case scenario you may even faint.

Many times individuals do not have issues with needles when they are used for sewing or non medical purposes. But if they're about to be used for an injection or to draw blood, then the situation changes and the fear starts to creep in. To overcome this fear it is important to determine what is triggering your fear.

Hypnotherapy is used for many different phobias as it will allow your subconscious to open up and determine what was the actual cause for your phobia. You may have experienced a traumatic experience as a child or other reasons. Hypnotherapy has been proven to be very effective for chronic phobias and long standing issues with fear.

Another effective method of treatment is behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy works slightly different than hypnotherapy as it programs a different response to needles then fear or the need to flee. With this treatment it is possible to change your response through your subconscious and reprogram your brain to be different from your normal response.

You may even be able to overcome your phobia of needles by attempting to be around needles, or by prolonged exposure to them. Many times this is only successful if you have help from someone else, maybe in the form of a hypnosis track that is designed to help you conquer your fear of these sharp implements.

Many people all try to be able to be around needles more. If they have needles around and they are part of the background then it is not such of a surprise as they are used to being around needles. You may need support and someone to hold your hand when you first start but with support you can overcome this fear. - 30450

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Do You Surrender Yourself To Fear Or Do You Fight It? Stephen Richards Exposes The Myth"

By Jane West

The way we respond to fear is caused by our 'reptilian brain'. What exactly is this reptilian brain? A few hundred millions years ago we evolved with nothing more than an emotional reaction to fear. All we had to get by on was our lower brain, the biological name for this is the 'amygdala', although evolutionists call it the 'reptilian brain'. Even though we have since developed what is now known as the higher brain, we still use the amygdala when it comes to the basic emotions. Hence the 'fight' or 'flight' syndrome can kick in at the most awkward of times, all as a result of the amygdala using stored emotions.

We all make quick decisions when cornered, some of these decisions are irrational and afterwards we wonder why we reacted the way we did! What made us do it, why did we have a panic attack and become feared in an irrational way? We use something that is called the 'emotion of fear'. It is something that is stored within all of us. How do we overcome such irrational fear like public speaking for instance? We have to start by working on changing the stored emotions.

Next time you are caught between a rock and a hard place you will understand why the lizard brain kicks in and makes you act the way you do. And how long have we been doing this for, well since we were lizards of course. So long as the lizard brain is having its needs fulfilled then that is all what it is cared about in its land of black and white, as there is no in between areas to think of. Simply put, it controls emotions in an instant, in the now ... it does not think ahead, as that is what out higher brain is for. Experiencing fear can wrench your mind into scenarios of thought that see you as failing in everything you do. Overtly thinking, the lizard brain thinks a set of thoughts that point us in the direction of failure. These thoughts expand fear like a hot air balloon being inflated. This is when you become iced-up with emotion and can't move.

The reptilian brain sees something and reacts, simple as that. If we are hungry and it sees food it wants it. If it sees a threat it makes you run from it. If it sees an attractive person then it wants a date. There's nothing flash about it, this is why you react as you do in certain situations. These emotions from past events are stored in your emotional memory bank of the amygdala.

Stephen Richards, best selling author, trainer, and motivational speaker specialising in mind power, life resources, and relationships says, "When fear wraps its vice-like legs around you it is actually an evolutionary thing! A fear attack works on your central nervous system by gushing powerful neurochemicals into it. It wrenches your guts and destabilises you in many ways. Your senses are so heightened that the half inch moth or whatever it is you are feared of may as well be the size of a bull elephant. That is how fear increases your sensory perception of everything around you. Anything remotely reasonable doesn't even enter your thoughts, all sense of reasoning is temporarily lost! All blocked out by your lizard brain. This is how fear works!"

These emotions of fear drawn from your memory bank actually feed the very fear you want to be rid of. It goes around in a vicious circle, a one that you just can't seem to find an end to. Some therapists advise that you go into the fear and accept it for what it is! However, top self help author Stephen Richards says, "By embracing the very fear you want to rid yourself from you are reinforcing the emotional memory of that particular fear. Frankly you need to ground yourself and transmute this fear into something else. By maintaining your relationship with the fear emotion you are inviting it to remain within your life."

When you are in the grip of fear and without realising it, your almond shaped and sized amygdala inside of your head takes over your reactions. Neurochemicals are released like an avalanche into your nervous system, and at that point you are running on auto-pilot and not in full control of yourself! Your main senses are supercharged to the hilt; everything becomes so much more blown up. Anything else is blocked out, all what you are relying on is shear 'seat of the pants' fly by wire emotions! So next time your fear takes over you will have an understanding of where it stems from. Of course you could try something else other than just waiting for the stages of fear to run their course. Many have tried hypnotherapy but it can prove to be expensive as many sessions are required to retrain the mind. Then there are subliminal messages which you can listen to, but these can be unreliable. Stephen Richards has developed something that goes beyond simple hypnosis or subliminal messaging.

Why is it that when you get an attack of fear that occasionally you can become incapacitated? Simple, it is related to the hyperactivity of the amygdala! This almond sized object is the storehouse for the memory of fear! The amygdala can misinterpret physiological signals from the body and cause inappropriate actions. Then in the cold light of day you can see how ridiculous you behaved, but too late ... the emotion is stored. This is how your fear/panic manifests itself. The definition of panic is a heightened state of anxiety. This fear/panic feeds off itself in a positive feedback loop and jumps to faulty conclusions.

There are many physiological changes that take place within the body when, say for instance, you come head to head with the very situation you are scared of which could be: fear of heights, needles, intimacy, germs, snakes, birds and even women in some cases, as some men are completely petrified of having to meet and speak to a woman. When in a scary situation that really is not as scary as you would think if you thought logically, then that is when the fear manifests itself in the form of: chest pain or discomfort, nausea or stomach distress, hot or cold flashes, shortness of breath or smothering sensation and so on.

Turning off the emotion of fear is not that simple once the floodgates have been opened. The brain's cortex cannot get a grip on it; it overrides anything logical that might have a remote chance of running through your head. However there is some good news ... there is a way to fix this problem. These false alarms are what bring on the attack of fear. So if we can empty the stored information that is waiting to be triggered then we can totally eradicate that particular relationship between the amygdala and what sets the fear off. Then it will no longer recognise the situation as a life threatening nature. Many have tried immersion and cognitive therapy ... all to no avail. Now there is a way to beat the fear without even having to come into contact with what sets it off.

You may well have done the rounds and tried just about every remedy that is out there. Maybe you have downloaded all of those glitzy MP3s that do little more than bring you computer viruses or just simply clog your PC while you get around to trying them one day. You need something tangible, something that really gets to grips with fear and something that actually works rapidly.

A specially designed fix has been devised and tested, the result is something that is far more powerful than hypnotherapy or even subliminal messages. Now the barrier to overcoming irrational fear has been lifted. The most up to date technology has been used to create a solution to your problem. Top self help coach and best selling author Stephen Richards has created a simple method that beats just about anything you will lay your hands on at the present time of writing.

One of the criteria used by Stephen Richards to create the fix was that it had to get to the very core of the problem, it had to change the stored emotions. Obviously hypnosis was no use as it would take many hours of sessions to be able to give the potency needed. Now by using groundbreaking methods, and in super fast time, this does away with hours of therapy. Needless to say, a lot of the hypnosis products out there for this condition will soon become obsolete.

There must be 1001 ways to overcome irrational fear, but none so fast as this method. This method overcomes the need for frequent visits to your hypnotherapist, and of course saving you the immense cost too. The specially made CD by Stephen Richards zones in to the heart of the problem, and the best part is you can hear every word being spoken. What would have been thought impossible ten years ago is now reality. In less than 30 minutes the primary track on the CD targets the area in need of help, simple as that.

The "Releasing You From Fear CD" uses up to date technology which zones in on the area in need of a fix. All of those stored emotional memories of fear are worked on, just like a virus scanner on your computer, until it is in 'system restored' mode and you can start afresh. Stephen Richards says, "I have formulated this to work in such a way that it is one of the fastest and easiest methods available today to help you overcome irrational fear. I am also qualified as a hypnotherapist, yet I am not advocating that avenue as a cure because I know it is pricey to go through 10 or 20 sessions of that therapy. This is why I have specifically designed this CD to target the amygdala, but without compromising what it is supposed to do and in a safe and natural way. - 30450

About the Author:

Rabies And The Fear Of Rabies Can Be A Frightful Thing

By Trevor Johnson

What to know about the fear of rabies, first of all, means knowing that it is a phobia that is technically called "hydrophobophobia." In many people who suffer from this fear, it can be a completely debilitating condition. Rabies -- which is also known as hydrophobia -- is a truly serious and very graphic disease that causes many people to greatly fear contracting it.

This fear or phobia is one of numerous phobias that have been identified by clinical mental health specialists over the years. What makes this one particularly serious is that the fear that it can create in many of its sufferers borders on the near hysterical. Perhaps this is partly due to the way in which rabies as a disease is so horrible and also in how it occupies a place in pop culture.

A still bigger reason why so many people become fearful of contracting rabies is that it is almost certain to kill them should they actually contracted. There is no cure for it once someone develops the symptoms, though there is a completely effective medication that is administered should someone be bitten by an animal infected with a virus. Still, the image of a mouth-foaming dog is hard to forget.

It doesn't really help that there have been a number of movies over the years that have taken advantage of the rabies theme, particularly one that was released in the early'80s that featured a large St. Bernard who eventually developed rabies and became, basically, a killing machine. In people, the fear of contracting rabies, then, can become almost visceral in its intensity.

Certainly, there are a number of effective therapies that have been developed to help people deal with this phobia, but some can take years of concerted treatment. Fortunately, there have been certain recent advancements in treating this sort of phobia that can actually lead to it being eliminated or cured in a relatively shorter amount of time.

For those actually suffering from the fear of rabies, others need to know that it is a real phobia that can strike terror in the hearts of those afflicted by it. This is even though the chances of being afflicted by rabies itself are extremely remote. Fortunately, those who suffer from the phobia have treatments available to them that are effective and widely available. - 30450

About the Author:

Stephen Richards Has Developed A Real Alternative To Expensive Therapy For Overcoming Panic Attacks"

By Jan West

How many times have you been lured by the flashy promise of a cure from panic attacks (social anxiety disorder)? It seems almost too good to be true, but what are the chances of curing you from what these nerve racking situations bring on you: from panic attacks to being fearful of strangers to simply being tongue tied at or feared of social events?

What's the point of giving you the hard sell but not following through with some worthless "freebie" downloads that will never be used? So there you go, you are now captiviated by the sales pitch and all these free items you are going to be receiving. Your mind is racing at the very thought of getting these, when all you rally went on there to look for was some help in clearng away your panic attacks! So do be warned.

In truth these products are of little worth and not even worth using to prop open a door. To add to your already bulging downloads, you can opt in for the special once in a lifetime offer of purchasing a special set of... OK, you get the message.

Former therapist and now best-selling writer Stephen Richards adds comment by saying, "Most of these products on offer to cure social anxiety are nothing more than 'snake oil' pitches, just made to entice the weak willed and unwary into buying useless products. These goods do little more than mask the problem for a short while, not targeting the actual areas in the mind that are in need of retraining. Basically it is all a waste of money."

The self-help industry, especially in the curative therapies, has made a good living off exploiting the weaknesses of those in need. The first step to overcoming social phobia is an acceptance that you have now started work on reversing it.

How on earth can you get through all those CDs supplied for one treatment, then there are what seems like reams of paperwork accompanying it, well that is if you decide to print it all out from your download. Oh, and they throw in more than the value of the product you have just bought as a sweetener! Then you have some testimonies from so-called past anxiety sufferers. You are supposed to get through all of this paraphernalia you are now in possession of on your own, and then go out and put it into action. The lists of cures these products are supposed to clear (all tied in with panic attacks) are: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Agoraphobia, Self Harming, etc, etc!

In the way these "cure all" products are pushed at you and in such quantity it is no wonder the amount of panic attacks is on the increase. By virtue of the amount of products out there it is easy to be caught up into thinking that it is a fashion to actually have such a disorder.

In the hope of securing a cure, you might end up just purchasing any old product and hope for the best that it is THE product that will suit your requirements. The amount of products using subliminal messaging, whereby the "hidden" narration rooted within an audio CD goes below the threshold of the conscious mind is on the increase. These "subliminal" audios work on the basis that if the subconscious mind is bombarded with positive subliminal thoughts then encouraging results will soon be obtained. Well that's great for selling hotdogs and soft drinks in the cinema (actually subliminals used in cinema advertising has now been outlawed), but what use is it for those seeking long term results? Well, subliminal messaging has seen some results, but it all depends on how well you hear them and if you hear the whole subliminal message, not just part of it! This is the danger with subliminal messaging.

Now for the good news, what if we could do away with these hard to hear subliminals and replace them with something that was audible? What about hypnosis? Hmm, just try using that when you are in a fix. Hypnosis has to be administered over many sessions to get the desired results for a social phobia fix!

The real groundbreaking technology that has made a breakthrough in the cure of social anxiety disorder is very, very simple! In the most advanced cure for social anxiety phobia, International Best-selling Self-help Author Stephen Richards has done away with the need for self-hypnosis or the use of subliminal messaging.

One of the main gripes many people have had with using social anxiety products is the use of hypnosis, they do not feel that they have benefited. The answer to this problem is that it takes many, many hours of hypnosis to fix such deep-seated problems. It is not like fixing one part of the mind ... there are many zones to repair and during the course of hypnosis all these zones are tackled ... one session at a time! A long and drawn out process! This is where the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" differs, it actually zones in on the exact area needing help. With advanced technology it tackles the area most in need, and all in an above board way. You get to hear everything what is being said.

Stephen Richards has developed a method to help overcome social anxiety disorder that is so simple. Just one 20 minute session can do what others claim to do in tens of hours. One other criterion he stipulated was that it had to be inexpensive so that anyone could afford it. After working on this project and fine tuning it, Stephen Richards was happy to proceed to the stage of where it became available to the public for less than the cost of a film DVD.

After listening for just 20 minutes of track two, the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" does away with hours and hours of listening to boring MP3 downloads. The other great piece of news is that Stephen Richards is not taking advantage of those in need by charging way over the top for the CD. It is with this in mind that prompted him to go into action to design such a product that would do away with the less than reasonable stance these others had taken on what he considered to be a fair price. As well as this, he wanted a genuine "fast fix", not just something that promised all but delivered nothing.

In disappointment, Stephen Richards says, "When I saw what some so-called therapists were charging for what was little more than a collection of wasteful items I was quite determined to provide a better level of help and at a fair price. You might say my therapist's mind went into action. If anything is to be accepted as genuine it must be clear as crystal, be affordable by all and must be able to do what it says on the box. - 30450

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There Are Some Valid Reasons For Fear Of Mushrooms

By Trevor Johnson

The fear of mushrooms is called Mycophobia. The number of confirmed sufferers is relatively small as phobias go but that's no consolation if you happen to be afflicted with this problem. Most people have a healthy respect for the wild mushroom after childhood training to avoid them. Safety is a valid concern. When the fear of mushrooms becomes irrational and impacts a sufferer's life the term Mycophobia applies.

Agoraphobics are often unable to lead a normal life. Other phobias have varying impacts on normal lives. A fear of mushrooms is only a small inconvenience for most mycophobes who have learned to avoid unexpected mushrooms. When the fear of mushrooms causes screams and immobility the life of the mycophobe becomes a daily challenge.

To non-mycophobes simply avoiding mushrooms seem easy. If you have a fear of mushrooms the task is not nearly as easy as it sounds. In day to day life we rarely notice mushrooms. The mycophobe is not so lucky. A fear of mushrooms can be triggered in unexpected places. Walking along a sidewalk near a toadstool can be a challenge.

A trip to the supermarket will certainly put a fear of mushrooms to the test. If your fear is triggered by the very sight of a mushroom you will have to plan your supermarket trip aisle by aisle to avoid the mushrooms in the produce aisles and, depending on your degree of fear, even the canned vegetables.

With the widespread use of mushrooms in cooking, a meal in a nice restaurant presents a chore for the mycophobe. A fear of mushrooms will require an intense questioning of the waiter about what is in each of the menu selections.

Most Mycophobes lead rather normal lives and manage to disguise their reactions when unexpectedly confronted by a mushroom. If your fear of mushrooms has become incapacitating there are several treatment options. An internet search for "Mycophobia treatment" returned over 200 results. - 30450

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Investigating The Fear Of Diabetes

By Trevor Johnson

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease and there are some legitimate reasons to fear being diagnosed with it. When fear of diabetes starts having a negative impact on your life, you could be experiencing diabetophobia - the official name for fear of diabetes. Like any phobia (an irrational fear that goes beyond normal response) a fear of diabetes can turn the diabetophobe's life into a series of challenges.

People who suffer with fear of diabetes may have physical reactions at the thought of diabetes and may even manifest some symptoms of the disease thereby reinforcing the irrational fear. The fear of diabetes may be related to fear of diabetes medicines or treatments such as insulin injections. The long term effects of the disease can also be a cause for fear. Blindness, loss of limbs and kidney failure are some diabetes-related conditions that contribute to an irrational fear of diabetes.

Some medicines are occasionally prescribed for treatment of phobias including the fear of diabetes. Many practitioners believe these medicines only hide or mask the symptoms of the fear without treating the root cause of the fear. Many people prefer to seek out natural cures for their fear, although some people will use medicine as a stop-gap until they find the best method for them.

Certain drugs are often prescribed for phobias but some medical professionals believe drugs only mask the symptoms and do not work on the root causes of phobias. Fear of diabetes is one phobia that responds well to education-based approaches.

Providing the sufferer with the actual facts and statistics of diabetes to highlight the irrationality of the fear is part of the treatment. Combining this knowledge with methods of reprogramming the unconscious mind to stop the tendency toward fear has proven effective for many phobias.

Some home-study courses for self-treatment of phobias can be found online. These can be highly effective. If you have a fear of diabetes that is interfering with your daily life you should start your treatment with a visit to a professional. A doctor can check you for diabetes to reassure you. He can check for underlying conditions such that can increase your susceptibility to fear disorders. Adrenal insufficiency is one well now contributor to fear reactions. - 30450

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How Do You Treat Fear Of Accidents?

By Trevor Johnson

Many people have many different sorts of fears. There is the fear of heights and the fear of spiders, to mention just two common phobias that people experience. Another type of fear that people have is the fear of accidents. This is just as it says. A person actually fears having an accident. What sort of accident?

The first way you can work through the tightening in the chest that you might feel is taking deep breaths. If you breathe while you drive and so forth, you might find that you can actually start to focus which is sometimes hard to do.

Getting your mind to to believe something else normally helps as well. There is something in your head telling you that if you do this then this will happen. One way you can go about making sure that you stay calm when you know an accident can happen is by telling yourself that everything will be all right.

There are many jobs where accidents are common. They might find that those who work in these jobs where accidents are concerned, those people begin to fear accidents. The fear of accidents leads the heart to race and much more. Some people can't change the fact that they have this fear without some good help and it's every day people.

As you can see, everyone can have a fear of accidents. Whether it's a minor inconvenience in their life or a major disruption that has to be catered for in their plans. For some people, they have the phobia but it's a condition that they have learned to live with. Others have developed a fear that they can't seem to shake, no matter what methods they try.

It leads them to giving up parts of their lives that one shouldn't miss out on. If you think you have this condition, please talk to someone if it has gotten this bad. You'll be glad that you've finally taken this small step to overcome your phobia. - 30450

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Free From Fear - Stop Living In Fear

By Chris Jensen

Have you been so worried these past few days that you can't even think well or eat anything? Are you afraid of something that you feel it's killing you slowly? Stay calm and try to breathe and relax because there's something you can do to stop living in fear and live a happier and stress-free life. I understand that it can be really terrible to be living a life full of anxiety and fear, that's why I'd like to share with you some tips on how can you stop fearing something and live a much happier and much better life.

Tip # 1: Stay Calm and Be Positive

If you are being hysterical for the past few days because you are really afraid of something, then you need to compose yourself and take a very deep breath. Try to control yourself and stay calm. Try to think positive thoughts that everything's going to be okay soon. You will stop living in fear, if you will help yourself out in the very first place.

Tip # 2: Talk to Your Family and Friends

The best people to talk to when you are down and out would be the people who truly loves and cares for you. If you are afraid of something that's really bothering you, then it's time for you to talk to your family and your friends regarding your situtation. They will give you advices from the heart that you truly need right now.

Tip # 3: Consult a Specialist

If you think your condition is getting worse from time to time and you feel that you are close to getting paranoid because of your fears, then it would be very much recommended that you consult a doctor or a specialist. If you ask for medical help, you will surely get treated and get the professional help that you really need.

You can stop living in fear if you will stay calm and try to follow these tips. Remember that you don't deserve to live a life that's full of fears. Try to stand up and live the life the way you deserve it. Good luck and more power to you! - 30450

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Free From Fear - Attract Positive Energy

By Chris Jensen

Have you been living in fear and full of negative vibes in your life? Do you want to put an end to everything that seems to be disturbing you right now and you want to attract positive energy to come in to your life? Being able to live a life that has a lot of positive energy can be definitely possible. Here are some tips on how can you possible attract all of the positive energy and switch your life around:

Tip # 1: Stay Positive All the Time

If you feel so down and low most of the time and you feel that it's the end of everything for you, then you need to stop thinking too much and look at the bright side of life. All the people in this universe have different problems, but it depends on each one of us on how can we handle it. Bear in mind that there would be no problem that has no solution. Give your problems some time and just stay positive that everything will be in good hands soon. Thinking positive thoughts can definitely attract more positive energy to come in to your life.

Tip # 2: Be Around Optimistic People

If you want to attract positive energy then you need to stay away from people who are always complaining about their lives or to make it short, people who are pessimistic. If you surround yourself with people who have positive outlook in life, you will surely find it easy to attract positive energy to come in to your life as well. You will be strongly influenced by these amazing people with all of their positive attitude towards everything that's happening in their lives.

Tip # 3: Do Good Deeds

When was the last time you helped out someone or maybe made someone felt they're special and appreciated? If you think that it was ages ago since the last time you did something good, then it's time for you to step up and helped other people in the best way that you can. You will attract good energy by doing this because you will definitely feel much better about yourself by making other people happy.

Living a life with full of anger, fear, pain, hopelessness and negativity is really difficult. However, you can turn your life around and try to follow these easy tips in order to attract positive energy. Keep the faith alive and believe in yourself that you can do all of these! Good luck! - 30450

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Do You Have A Fear Of Drinking?

By Trevor Johnson

Facing your fear of drinking is the first step to getting over it. As soon as you decide that you can learn these methods that can be used you will no longer suffer like you have in the past. It's all about ways that you can redirect your mind in reaction to fear.

Though technically it can't really be called a cure or treatment, since you just changing your reaction to the event. You will be able to set your mind on almost an automatic way to react, one that isn't of fear but of something else instead. These steps that you learn will even assist you in building confidence in life.

The steps and methods that you can learn can help you control so much more in life. Anxiety, guilt, hurt, sadness and anger are some examples. Most likely your fear will have come about due to a negative experience that happened before in your past.

Since you had that experience now your body and mind reacts in a negative way when you're faced with your fear again. Though some people will be at a greater risk in their life to fear. Such people as those who are high strung, or may have adrenal deficiencies, even those who have a bunch of anxiety.

Getting past your fear is all about wanting to do actually it this time. So if you're tired of feeling sick and nauseated or your chest feeling tight, get past your fear once and for all.

Since no type of medicine has ever been found to help with this fear it's suggested you don't use them either. Most of the time the only benefit of medicine is that it will mask those feelings that you have. Since you just want to get past the fear not mask it try other methods of how to get over your fear. - 30450

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Free From Fear Top Rated eBook Review

By Chris Jensen

Have you had enough of worrying too much because you feel that problems and stress seem to be taking over your life? Do you want to put an end on it so will live a peaceful and happy life? You can put an end to all those sleepless nights because you're stressed out if you will give yourself a chance and read Free From Fear eBook. It's an amazing eBook that will let you learn all the things that you need to know to have a much better and much more peaceful life that you really deserve.

Free From Fear is an eBook that contains all the information that you really need to learn in order to make all your fears, stress and worries to be vanished away. You will learn how to face all the things that you were scared to face before. Moreover, you will learn the guaranteed ways on how to live a peaceful life.

In this eBook you will also be able to know the effective ways when it comes to praying and asking for help from up above when you feel that your fear seems to be ruining your life. So basically you will learn all the easiest and simplest tips on how to live a life without stress and problems.

A lot of people who were once so problematic and worried about their disturbing situation and have found Free From Fear eBook are now living a happy and stress-free life. They were able to learn how to handle and face their fears, stress and their problems with courage and confidence. They are all so thankful because of the great things that the eBook gave them.

So if you want to save yourself from all the worries that might give you much more complication in the future, grab Free From Fear now and you will surely be thankful with all the great things that you will learn from it. You deserve to live a peaceful and happy life. You deserve to know all the possible means to live the life you really deserve. Good luck and stay positive! - 30450

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Free From Fear - Best Free From Fear Review

By Chris Jensen

Have you ever imagined living a life with no fear on anything at all? Wouldn't it be nice to reach all of your goals and become successful easily because no fear can ever get in your way? You are actually worthy enough to live the life you truly deserve. You can live a life with no fears at all. Doing so can be made possible with the help of Free From Fear eBook. It's an eBook that will surely help you a lot from facing your fears and making it vanish at the same time.

Free From Fear eBook will teach you how to stay calm and relax in those times that you feel you are so helpless and hopeless because too much fear seems to be taking over your life. You will also learn how to attract positive energy to switch your life around. Moreover, you will also learn how to feel much better when you are in the edge of breaking down and losing hope.

The eBook will definitely let you know all the tips, techniques and strategies that you need to know in order to conquer all of your fears. Another great thing about this eBook is that it doesn't only teach all the ways in order to face your fears, but you will also learn more things about how to effectively pray and ask help from Him when everything seems to be falling into places.

Free From Fear readers all over the globe have been so thankful and happy with all the great knowledge that they've learned from the eBook. They are now living a happier life with much confidence and strength. They are now reaching their goals with encouragement and inspiration.

If you would want to save yourself from all the fears that seem to be slowly killing you, then it's time for you to get a copy of Free From Fear eBook now. Don't wait until the time's up for you! This is your chance so don't let it slip away! Grab one today and good luck! - 30450

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Free From Fear - How To Feel Calm

By Chris Jensen

Have you ever found yourself stressed out and you feel you're in panic you don't even know what to do anymore about the situation? It's natural to feel unrelaxed and anxious at times especially if you are thinking a lot of things and if you are under stress. How to feel calm is maybe one of the questions that's running in your mind right now, that's why I'd like to share with you some tips on how can you feel relaxed and can make you feel cal the natural way:

Tip # 1: Take a Deep Breath

If you are stressed out and you are so nervous, one of the best ways to stay calm would be taking a deep breath. If you take a deep breath, your body will be relaxed and you will feel a little bit relieved.So whenever you feel anxious, take a deep breath and everything else good will follow.

Tip # 2: Pray

If you want to know how to feel calm then one of the best ways to do so would be praying. If you pray you let God know your problem or your current situation. Studies show that through prayers you will feel more relaxed and you will have a peace of mind.

Tip # 3: Pamper Yourself

A stressful day will be okay if you will find means of pampering yourself. Try to take a shower or eat your favorite dish because this will make you feel much better and relieved from all the anxiousness that you may feel. Giving yourself some little treat when you have problems or you feel stressed out is really helpful.

Being able to know how to feel calm is really important. These are just some tips you can keep in mind whenever you are anxious and you don't know what to do. These tips will surely make you relax and feel much better. GOOD LUCK! - 30450

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How To Beat Fear - Helpful Tips

By Trevor Johnson

Fear is something that a lot of people deal with every day of their lives. Some have more serious problems then others but they all have fear as a common feeling that they experience. Here we will look at some advice on how to beat fear and get back to living life.

Putting an identity on your fear is one of the first things to do. Be very specific about your fear when doing this. When a person does this and sees what they are actually afraid of can help them accept it in a different manner. Many people find that treating it as a challenge or another thing on the to do list can help them face it head on.

Try and maintain a positive attitude when it comes to your fear. Instead of letting the fear bring you down, look at it in a positive way. Try and focus on the good parts of the situation instead of the bad ones. This can help you to keep your fears at bay preventing them from getting out of hand.

There are people that get angry about the fears that they have and decide to face them head on. This can work for some people, although many are better off trying to do little steps first. The step by step process has been something that has worked for a lot of people over the course of time.

Setting goals is another great way people have used in overcoming fears. Have your fear description in front of you and beside it make a list of small things you can do one at a time that can lead to you facing the fear. Every small step that a person takes is that little bit closer to successfully tackling the fear that they have.

Use the internet to help you find ways on how to beat fear. There are a lot of websites that have information on this subject. A lot of it has been used by many people. Just remember that what works for one person may not work for you and you may need to try a different technique. Don't give up! - 30450

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A Fast Phobia Cure Is Perfectly Possible

By Trevor Johnson

Is there really a fast phobia cure or do you have to spend the better part of your adult life trying to figure out how to get past your phobias? No matter how deeply rooted your fears are, you can change their power at any given time. It might not feel that way, but once you experience the fast phobia cure you will never look at fear the same way again.

For instance, two little girls get bit by the same dog. One little girl grows up with a dog phobia but the other one ends up owning three dogs and even volunteers for rescue organizations, putting her in the midst of dogs with social problems. What is the difference? The beliefs that were given to each little girl right after the dog bite.

We fear something because we have been taught that being afraid of it would prevent us from experiencing it. We are afraid of water because we are afraid of drowning. If we see water as a death trap we are going to avoid it. If we see it as a fun place to play we might want to experience it. This means the more we fear it the more we will stay away from it.

Whatever your spider might be, the more you fear it the less you really know about it. People fear those of other religions or races because there is a lack of understanding. The same can be said for any phobia. Not understanding or being well educated about a particular subject can lead to fears, as well as phobias.

Drunkenness is often up there on the top of the list. But if we believe that the water can get us, our fear will prevent us from ever finding ourselves in that situation, even if our fears are unfounded.

The fast phobia cure is really education. The more we know about any given topic the less afraid of it we are. The more know that we are actually able to change what we believe about something the more we know that we are in complete control of what we fear and how deeply we fear it. - 30450

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What Causes Phobias: A Medical Mystery

By Trevor Johnson

Phobias can be defined as irrational fears of objects or situations. Most everyone suffers from at least one phobia, sometimes more. A common one being claustrophobia or a fear of tight spaces. What causes phobias is still a question that for the most part has gone unanswered.

Studies on the causes of phobias have shown us some information, but not nearly enough to figure it all out. At this point we do know that genetics, chemicals in the brain and traumatic experiences all possible play a role. Beyond that, quite a lot of the information still falls into the "more research needed" category.

There also appears to be a connection between your fears and those that your parents suffer from. An even more interesting assumption is that children often "learn" there phobias from their caregivers by watching reactions to certain situations while growing up.

Studies have noted some risk factors that can be considered in order to possible predict phobias in people in the future. You may be surprised at what they are.

Age has been a prominent factor in studies of phobia development. Children ages 11 to 15 are far more likely to develop social phobias then any other age group. After age 25 your risk of developing one is almost zero. However, those in the mid twenty range start to manifest fears of situations such as crossing bridges, flying in airplanes or riding in elevators.

Women are more likely to show signs of social disorders because of the fact that men tend to hide their emotion and anxiety a bit better, usually involving alcohol. This doesn't mean that men aren't affected, just that they are better at disguising the outward symptoms.

What ever the cause for your phobia, you should never turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with the problem. Becoming depressed is not a solution and can only make things worse. Their is help out there in many forms if you only go in search of it. Professionals have a variety of phobia treatments available to suit every persons needs if they are only willing. - 30450

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Curing Phobias - Knowing Their Root Cause And Treatment

By Trevor Johnson

There are lots of people who have phobias. These are irrational fears that may be caused by a certain event, objects or even animals. However, no matter how other people would say that the causes are very irrational, phobic people would like to know the ways of curing phobias. Is there really an effective way to cure it?

Failure in curing phobias only comes when there is extreme denial. Since most claim that it is just a fear that should be disregarded and such attitude displayed can be really totally irresponsible.

In terms of causes, people may have different subjects when it comes to phobias. Other people may have a fear of flying, being in an enclosed space, and even numbers. By knowing its causes, you are now ready to do the next step in curing phobia.

Such phobias can really leave anyone mystified and confused in thoughts. However, if it be given some deep thinking, it is a problem that starts in the inside self of the person which is kept unresolved for some time already. Despite of its daunting threat, it brings good news that there are ways to treat them.

One good way is to desensitize. This is the actual confrontation of the fear that you have and facing it head on in your life. For example, if you are scared to death of tiny toads, then you should start getting yourself used to seeing or touching them in a very gradual phase. As you continue to do this, you will eventually be able to appreciate it and finally accept it rather than being afraid of it.

However, you have to keep in mind that curing phobias may take some time before you will see results. This is because of how well the patient receives the stimulus and how good he is in dealing with this internal struggle. Just keep in mind the reward of facing your day without being scared of something and you will be fully committed in treating your phobia. - 30450

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Treating Your Phobia With Phobia Hypnosis Session

By Trevor Johnson

If you have been feeling a fear about the oddest thing there is, then you might have a phobia. This phobia is caused by numerous reasons like heights, spiders and many more. Treatment for phobia can be really tough but there is one approach that has become very much successful in treating phobia such as hypnosis. Phobia hypnosis treatment has been widely used and is very much effective.

So how does hypnosis work phobia treatment? The main target of this approach is your mind. It will start to take care of your mindset and then reprogram it. This will clean your mind from phobia so it will be clean from its stressor.

There are two methods on how to apply phobia hypnosis. First is to do it on your own with a hypnotic script on hand. The script will keep you in hypnotic state, leading your subconscious to fully relax and henceforth enable you to face and accept reality.

If you may be having some problems in writing your hypnotic script, you can download other materials for hypnosis online. These hypnotic media may be phobia hypnosis sound files. In this way, you can start your way in changing your current lies to a life free of fears.

Nevertheless, if you would feel awkward with doing the hypnosis on your own, you can visit a hypnotherapist to do a hypnosis session for you to treat your phobia fully. They will be able to facilitate and guide you all throughout the process that there is nothing else for you to worry about.

So if you are tired in living a life with fears, you can start doing a phobia hypnosis treatment today. This will definitely help you change your life for the better forever and so does for the people around you. - 30450

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Using Phobia Hypnosis To Get Rid Of Your Fears

By Trevor Johnson

If you have been feeling a fear about the oddest thing there is, then you might have a phobia. This phobia is caused by numerous reasons like heights, spiders and many more. Treatment for phobia can be really tough but there is one approach that has become very much successful in treating phobia such as hypnosis. Phobia hypnosis treatment has been widely used and is very much effective.

You may ask how can the act of hypnosis be helpful to treat and cure phobia. Hypnosis works primarily on your thinking and shifts your perspective on things. With this, your mind seems to start getting clean from all the fears that you are harboring in your mind.

There are two methods on how to apply phobia hypnosis. First is to do it on your own with a hypnotic script on hand. The script will keep you in hypnotic state, leading your subconscious to fully relax and henceforth enable you to face and accept reality.

If you may be having some problems in writing your hypnotic script, you can download other materials for hypnosis online. These hypnotic media may be phobia hypnosis sound files. In this way, you can start your way in changing your current lies to a life free of fears.

Nevertheless, if you would feel awkward with doing the hypnosis on your own, you can visit a hypnotherapist to do a hypnosis session for you to treat your phobia fully. They will be able to facilitate and guide you all throughout the process that there is nothing else for you to worry about.

So if you want to be free of your fears, better start getting a phobia hypnosis session today. In this way, you can start treating your phobia right from your mind and change your life forever. - 30450

About the Author:

Treating Your Phobia With Phobia Hypnosis Session

By Trevor Johnson

The term phobia is defined as an illogical fear that any person could suffer from and that they range in a wide variety. Since it is considered irrational, it is hard to overcome and deal with them according to the sufferers. Hence, the approach of phobia hypnosis emerged to become one of the most effective means to treat them.

You may ask how can the act of hypnosis be helpful to treat and cure phobia. Hypnosis works primarily on your thinking and shifts your perspective on things. With this, your mind seems to start getting clean from all the fears that you are harboring in your mind.

There are two ways on how to do hypnosis for phobia. First is that you can do self hypnosis. In this process, you need to get a hypnotic script. This hypnotic script will make it possible for you to undergo a hypnotic state in which you can bring out your subconscious to keep you relaxed. Once you are ready, you can now start facing your fear in reality.

If you cannot relax using your script, you can try to download some media used for hypnosis. Examples of these media may be some hypnotic sound files. This will help you relax and make dealing with fears easier for you.

However, if you are not uncomfortable doing self hypnosis, what you can do is to get a hypnotherapist service in order to get assistance in treating your phobia. These hypnotherapists are going to be your phobia hypnosis assistant and facilitator in order to properly deal your fears. They are very much knowledgeable in facilitating hypnosis so you need not worry about anything.

If you badly need help in treating your phobia, then you should consider taking a phobia hypnosis session today. You can be assured that if you would start in your mind to treat your phobia, it is never too late to put some good changes in your life. - 30450

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